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About us

October 2022 - Pietro and Francesco Baragiola, two brothers aged 17 and 15 attending high schools in Milano, launch a €9,000 crowdfunding to finance a pilot project.


March 2023 - The "Pilot Project" starts with an educational center in the Marche region with 15 teenagers. The class tutor is a PhD candidate in Mathematics.


(Click here to discover more)

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May 2023 - A group of donors partnered with Pietro and Francesco to transform the juvenile idea into an NGO (“Ente Filantropico”). Among the founders, there are two young adults who share their same enthusiasm, a senior partner of a major consulting firm, executives of listed companies, and Pietro and Francesco’s mother. The two brothers, who originated the initial idea, will maintain a central role in the project.


School Year 2023/2024 - Started 4 additional classes for approximately 50 teenagers

"Math has been fundamental in our education and helped strengthening our self confidence"


Matematica Senza Confini - Ente Filantropico

Via Cesare Correnti, 15 - 20123 Milano


certified mail:


Bylaws (download document)


Italian NGO Register filing (download document)


Financial Statement as of December 31st, 2023 (download document)

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